Bill, Jim & Ed Cover


Bill, Jim & Ed

THUNDERMUG’s Bill Durst (guitar, lead vocals), Jim Corbett (bass) and Ed Pranskus (drums) recorded this album in 1976 shortly after lead singer Joe DeAngelis left the band. Thundermug then became a powerhouse trio with Bill on lead vocals. The three continued touring for several more years. This included the cross-Canada QuadraConcert Tour with The Stampeders (late 1976) and openers for Aerosmith at Toronto’s Massey Hall and with Rush on their Stratford, London and Kingston dates. This re-mixed and mastered version of the “Bill, Jim & Ed” album includes “Trudy True” & “Make Love All Day” and their 1976 45rpm single “Old Songs” b/w “Love Is”.

In the early 1970s, THUNDERMUG’s original members included Joe DeAngelis on lead vocals playing commercial heavy rock. They were once referred to as London’s answer to Led Zeppelin and billed themselves as “Canada’s heaviest band”.

“Africa” was Thundermug’s most successful single from their ‘Strikes’ album. It became a cult favourite in 1973 on the Axe Records label (AXE 4) and in the States on Doug Morris’ independent Big Tree label. After Axe released “Thundermug Strikes”, EMI licensed ‘Strikes’ in Europe and CBS released a US compilation in 1973. Their 2nd Axe album “Orbit” was recorded and released in late 1973 followed by their 3rd Axe album ‘Ta-Daa’ (1974) also released in the US by Mercury Records. All 4 Thundermug albums are available at Axe Records


All songs written by Bill Durst except “Make Love All Day” & “Old Songs” with Ed Pranskus & Jim Corbett. Published by BELSIZE PARK MUSIC
Production & Sound: GREG HAMBLETON
Recorded at CAPTAIN AUDIO 1976
Engineer: Don Geppert
CD Info: Thundermug Bill, Jim & Ed CD
ⓟ & © 2020 Greg Hambleton
Axe Records DL-A542